New Mexico Tech Privacy Reminder

For New Mexico Tech Staff and Faculty

It is NMT’s media relations protocol that any NMT employee who receives a media inquiry should immediately direct the inquiring party to contact the Office of Marketing and Communications (ext. 5539) to get the media member the best and most accurate information, set up interviews, and provide any other services requested.

For Media Outlets, Campus Visitors, and Members of the University Community

威尼斯人app下载有兴趣确保所有学生的隐私, 教职员工受到尊重,没有任何活动干扰教育、研究 or residential life.

The university is a state of New Mexico Research Institution. Most common areas of the campus typically are open to visitors. Even in these locations, media representatives 不得侵犯学生、教职员工的隐私,也不得侵犯教育、 research and residential activities. The university may revoke at any time permission to be present in these and any other areas of the university.

根据学校的规定,媒体人员是禁止进入的 from entering student residences or dining halls. Members of the media are prohibited 在大学的所有住宅区,包括学生宿舍和周围 没有事先得到大学市场和部门的许可,教师就会进入社区 Communications Office. Media are prohibited inside classrooms, libraries, laboratories and other academic buildings without prior permission from the Marketing and Communications Office and instructors.

未经学校许可,不得在校园内从事任何商业活动. 这包括拍摄照片,或类似的音频或视频记录 出售给他人,或以其他方式用于商业、促销或营销目的. 参与未经授权的商业活动的人将被要求立即离开校园. 申请许可应提交给市场和传讯总监 Peter Szatmary at 575-835-5620 or 575-322-0927.

Any filming or photography on campus must adhere to the university’s policies.

认可的学生团体和大学的官方单位将被授予这样的 只要不侵犯他人的隐私或财产利益,就可获得许可; 只要他们的产品主要是在校园里销售给学生,教师 and staff; and so long as they comply with applicable university policies and procedures.

违反这一政策的人可能会受到刑事和/或民事责任 as university disciplinary action if applicable.

Film, Photography, and Video Requests

General Policy

在新墨西哥进行任何拍摄或摄影都需要获得威尼斯人app下载的许可 Tech-owned lands by:

尽管有上述规定,学校保留禁止任何拍摄的权利 或以任何理由在其土地上进行摄影,包括拍摄或摄影 1)扰乱学术、研究、商业或学生 activities; 2) damage to or alteration of university property; 3) inappropriate use of the New Mexico Tech name, marks or image; 4) disruption of traffic, parking or pedestrian pathways; 5) other safety hazards; or 6) violations of the university’s privacy policies.

News-related filming and photography

The Marketing and Communications 办公室可满足新闻、新闻相关、非商业的合理要求 拍摄,但保留拒绝许可的权利,当要求违背 to university policies – especially those that ensure student privacy. The subject 所有与新闻相关的拍摄或摄影必须与大学直接相关. 

Non-news filming or photography

与公司和组织的市场营销有关的商业拍摄和摄影 other than New Mexico Tech is prohibited on university property. Such activities are incompatible with the university’s long-standing policies prohibiting endorsement or the appearance of endorsement.

The Marketing and Communications 办公室将考虑涉及新节目的电影和摄影请求 墨西哥理工学院的学生、教职员工,或电视节目、电影的创作, 纪录片,或教育相关的节目,提供的主题是相关的 to New Mexico Tech.

Additional policies

非新墨西哥科技公司实体禁止飞行无人机和其他无人驾驶 flying vehicles above or from within New Mexico Tech lands. Faculty, students, staff 经批准的供应商必须事先获得批准,才能从 New Mexico Tech. For more information and instructions on requesting review of a proposed flight, contact the Marketing and Communications Office at 575-835-5539.

使用威尼斯人app下载的名称,其他商标和标志,或相关图像 未经学校书面许可,禁止携带任何照片或影片. For more information, contact the Marketing and Communications Office at 575-835-5539.

非新墨西哥技术实体禁止在大学举办媒体活动 property, or inviting media to the New Mexico Tech campus.
威尼斯人app下载有兴趣确保所有学生的隐私, 教职员工受到尊重,不得有干扰教育、研究的活动 or residential life. Therefore, filming in student residences, dining halls, libraries, classrooms and laboratories is prohibited without prior permission from the Marketing and Communications Office.

禁止媒体成员进入大学的所有居住区域,包括 未经事先许可擅自进入学生宿舍和周围的教师社区 from the Marketing and Communications Office.

所有在威尼斯人app下载工作的专业电影制作人和摄影师 must have prior permission from the Marketing and Communications Office, carry credentials, and have appropriate liability insurance.

出于隐私原因,禁止拍摄大学区域的b-roll to avoid disruption of university activities. Members of the media and others may 要求下载高质量的新墨西哥大学制作的b-roll Tech areas.

威尼斯人app下载的部门和组织可以在主校区拍摄或拍照 前提是1)他们已经请求并获得了营销办公室的许可 and Communications; and 2) the work is New Mexico Tech-related and does not interfere with university operations. 

为学术目的在新墨西哥技术财产拍摄或摄影是有限的 仅限威尼斯人app下载的学生、教职员工以及威尼斯人app下载赞助 在威尼斯人app下载校园进行拍摄/摄影的项目和其他项目 is part of the program. The resulting films and photographs may not be used or distributed for commercial, marketing or promotional purposes.

For more information, contact the Marketing and Communications Office at 575-835-5539.