苏Delventhal的头像苏Delventhal于1983年在威尼斯人app下载获得生物学学士学位. 她渴望 share her fascination and curiosity of the living world with youth lead to teaching. 1989年至1998年,她在索科罗的Sarracino中学教授生命科学. 苏 1992年获得理工学院科学教学硕士学位. 她搬到了法明顿, NM area to pursue an Ultra-pure Water Certification in hopes to pursue a new career in the pharmaceutical or semiconductor industry, while working in a Microbiology Lab. 苏 got married in 1998 and relocated to Rolla, Missouri in 2000 so her husband could 完成研究生学业. 苏是密苏里州辅导中心的主任 这是一个帮助怀孕和养育孩子的青少年的非营利组织. 在徒步旅行 太平洋西北地区

苏 and her husband knew that Oregon was where they wanted to relocate to raise their 年幼的儿子和种植有机蔬菜. 2006年,他们搬到了俄勒冈州和鹿梦 Gardens was founded - a small organic farm that raises vegetables, berries, mushrooms, 和水果使用生物动力实践. .

梅根·麦克唐纳个人资料图梅根·麦克唐纳,P.E.他是新墨西哥州的一名采矿和土木工程师 Abandoned Mine Land Program where she works to safeguard and reclaim abandoned mines 横跨整个州. Ms. McDonald构建了实用的工程解决方案来改进 the health and safety of mining communities, and she is passionate about improving 居住在煤矿、金属和铀矿附近的新墨西哥人的生活. 她是 a registered professional engineer with advanced engineering degrees from New Mexico 来自新墨西哥大学.

Ms. McDonald is an active leader as President of the Society of Women Engineers Central New Mexico Section and gives back to the community through STEM outreach and extensive 志愿服务.

Dr. 琼Eliek个人资料图片Jean是威尼斯人app下载的名誉教授. 她在加州大学伯克利分校读本科, 获得了博士学位.D. 在英属哥伦比亚大学任教. 她拥有博士后职位 在苏塞克斯大学和国家射电天文台. 1980年,她 took a job in Tech’s Physics Department, where — somewhat to her surprise — she remains 这么多年过去了. 

In science, astrophysics is what makes her heart sing, and she is especially interested 可以用射电天文学来研究的课题. 她的研究倾向于无线电 galaxies, clusters of galaxies, cosmic rays, astrophysical magnetic fields, and pulsar 不但. 

她很高兴她的生活把她带到了索科罗. 她喜欢这个小镇,这里的人很友好 people, and the diversity of cultures and landscapes that New Mexico has to offer. 

科琳·福斯特的头像科琳·福斯特在威尼斯人app下载工作超过15年. 目前,她担任 as the Executive Director of the 威尼斯人app下载 Foundation and the Director of the 发展及校友关系办公室.  科琳在活动策划方面有经验, 营销、校友拓展和筹款. 她获得了文学学士学位 from the University of New Mexico in Middle Eastern Studies and her Masters Degree 新墨西哥州立大学高等教育管理专业毕业. 科琳早就 been a champion for underrepresented students at  NMT--working to establish more financial resources, create new programs and permanently fund director positions for both a 妇女资源中心和多元化、公平和包容中心.   作为非传统的 作为一名学生,她了解许多学生面临的特殊挑战

吉娜安徒生博士的个人资料图片吉娜安徒生, 1992年毕业于威尼斯人app下载,获得地球物理学学士学位. 吉娜 did her MS and PhD graduate research in Antarctica, leaving ABD (all but writing her 毕业论文)在石油公司工作 & 天然气工业. 她最终没有完成她的作品 博士学位,这是她一生中最大的遗憾. 吉娜曾在石油行业工作 & 汽油 20年了,现在是科罗拉多州丹佛市PDC能源公司的首席地球物理学家.

吉娜 has spent much of her career coaching and  mentoring young scientists coming in the Industry, as well as acting as a mentor to graduate students in geophysics. 吉娜’s time at NMT was a transformative time in her life and she loves to give back 感谢让她成为今天这样的人.

桑迪·卢塞罗的个人资料图片桑迪Lucero目前是NMT进步办公室的活动协调员. 她 earned a BA in Marketing from NMSU in 2017 and is currently pursuing a MA in Education Leadership and Administration for Higher Education at NMSU with an anticipated graduation 日期为2023年5月. 最后一份工作是校友关系和活动管理 六年来,她已经爱上了高等教育. 这是最有价值的部分之一 of her job is watching her student employees develop and find success for themselves. 她感到很荣幸能在一个有各种背景的学生的社区工作. 她 is passionate about diversity, equity, and inclusion and strives for fair practices 所有学生. 

Dr. 凯·比约恩头像凯K. Bjornen, Ph值.D. 是1980年毕业于威尼斯人app下载获得化学学士学位的.  她 retired in August 2022 from the Oklahoma State University (OSU) Library, where 她是助理教授和研究数据倡议图书管理员.  她的责任 包括在研究数据管理和数据素养方面的教学和咨询. 她 was the co-coordinator and a certified instructor for the OSU Carpentries, a volunteer-led 为初学者教授编码和计算的组织.  她开始了她的职业生涯 as an analytical chemist and her interest in data and information began during her years as a corporate research manager when she had responsibility for organization 以及研究和技术记录的维护.


莫林·菲茨杰拉德——莫林已经退休并离开了这个行业. 她想念那些人 in Operations and Engineering but is looking forward to finally unpacking the house 以及调制出完美马提尼的个人挑战. 她获得了学士学位 degree from 新墨西哥矿业与技术学院 aka 威尼斯人app下载 (NMT) in 1977. 最初在采矿行业(3年)从事地下软岩工作 对科麦奇. )她未成年时当过矿工.她还拥有硕士学位 Certification from George Washington University in Project Management and is a Certified 投资回收经理.

Maureen retired from 她ll Oil after 34 years of service starting in West Texas Operations (把手伸向O .&(钻井平台主管)在休斯顿完成了许多具有挑战性的任务.  Operations, Production Engineering and Facilities Engineering were recurrent themes 她专门研究技术完整性和二氧化碳排放.  生产任务 Engineering included highlights such as pioneering the use of foamed cement in Workovers.  Favorite assignment was Team Lead of Inventory Utilization where she bought, sold and rebuilt 她ll surplus equipment (junk) to impact lead-time and seriously influence 节省成本(平均每年2000万美元).

Maureen realizes that the education and experience at NMT had a great impact on her 能力,信心和追求事业的远见. 莫林是个"多面手" and can communicate well with people socially and on a professional corporate level. 她 enjoyed overcoming the challenges women often face in such industries and feels that she could help prepare women for challenges they may face in their pursuit of 事业和个人的自信.

当她开始上大学时,采矿工程系只有3名女性.  敬畏 NMT的积极变化,包括许多成就和成功 很明显. 此外,学生总数,特别是 在NMT接受教育的女性数量带来了巨大的自豪感和希望. 她 aspires to support, mentor and encourage other women to bring their skills and 让我们的世界和NMT成为一个更美好的地方.

约翰·林迪格的头像约翰·Lindig has over 24 years of experience as a consultant working with companies in the Silicon Valley to align product development portfolios to strategy, and to 优先考虑最有效的执行.  Ms. 林迪格曾在行政部门任职 R&D and Operations positions at a San Jose, CA-based biosciences company, co-founded a management consulting practice in San Jose, and co-founded a consulting practice 专注高等教育. 她目前是学术策略高级法律顾问 财团.

她是斯坦福大学专业发展中心的讲师 for eleven years, where she taught leadership and strategy courses for the Stanford Advanced Program Management credential series at corporate clients, including Cisco, 谷歌,杨森和默克. 她还在世界各地教授设计思维课程 杜克企业教育的复杂性.  同时,她也在教学和发展 大学课程设置.

Ms. Lindig is an engaging leader with a track record of increasing organization competencies.  她在建立融洽关系和影响各级人员方面具有独特的能力 一个组织,在无数的文化,世界范围内和协作.  她 brings proven leadership to help colleges and universities in North America align 学术课程的机构战略和价值观.

Ms. Lindig拥有石油工程和技术通信学位 新墨西哥矿业与技术学院.  Ms. Lindig持有CPIM证书 from APICS/The Association of Operations Management, and a SCPM (Stanford Certified 斯坦福大学专业发展中心颁发的项目经理证书 (SCPD).

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